SensationALL has signed up as a Charter Champion with Volunteer Scotland! When the charity began in 2011, we were initially a wholly volunteer run organisation but, even after staff were employed, the contribution of volunteers remained integral to our service delivery. Over the years, thousands of hours have been donated to us and we consider each volunteer to be an asset who’s contribution cannot be undervalued!

As a result, we are proud to follow the 10 principles set out by the Volunteer Charter and strive for best practice across all areas of volunteering.

>>> Take a look at the 10 Volunteer Charter principles here.


How does this shape volunteering at SensationALL?

Volunteers can choose their roles

SensationALL wants to ensure that volunteers know they have free choice over the type of role they wish to take on. We have a wide variety of roles which we publicise but we are also open to hearing from volunteers with specific skills and interests which may be beneficial to the charity’s operations.

Our volunteer handyman, Donald, is a great example of this! Donald brings a range of skills and knowledge that help us complete small projects that we otherwise would struggle with. His skills are helping transform the charity for the better.

Furthermore, as a small organisation with restricted budgets, it simply isn’t possible for us to employ staff to fulfil every necessary business role so we rely upon the expertise, knowledge and skills of many professionals who are willing to support our administrative and management processes. Our board of trustees are all volunteers with a wide set of skills and backgrounds so they can oversee our governance and strategically guide us.

Volunteers feel safe, supported and included

Regardless of role, The Charter helps us create an environment where every volunteer is welcomed with open arms and enjoy their experience so they will want to come back time after time.

We take care to make sure all our volunteers feel a part of the SensationALL family and we strive to make all of our opportunities inclusive. The charter reminds us to ensure volunteers feel capable of carrying out their roles and are given opportunities to develop skills through training and mentoring. Using the charter principles also means that we focus on taking on board volunteer views and options and use these to shape the direction of the charity.

We are delighted to be a Charter Champion and excited about how the 10 principles will help us to create an environment where we feel supported by excellent volunteers and our volunteers feel supported by an organisation that truly values them.

If you are interested in volunteering with SensationALL please get in touch –