Therapy-based play

One thing we know how to do at SensationALL is how to make our sessions fun!

Our creative team use a wide range of games to get youngsters moving their bodies and trying different sensory experiences. Play allows practitioners to implement clinical practices that are vital to improve self-regulation so youngsters are building skills without even realising it! 

We asked practitioners, Michael and Rebekah to tell us how they have been using the classic game ‘Marco Polo’ in their sessions recently…

Many neurodivergent people have difficulty with impulse control meaning they often respond to urges, thoughts or situations in extreme ways. We work with individuals to improve their self-awareness so they can feel in control whenever they are triggered by sensory stimulus or busy environments.

As Rebekah explains, “we play Marco Polo as it is perfect to strengthen the nervous system while building youngster’s tolerance of stressful situations“. The game’s format of start/stop actions supports inhibitory control (our ability to think before reacting) giving youngsters chance to practice managing their impulses. 

There is a ‘rush’ element at the start of the game when the players must race to find a hiding spot, so they need to move quickly and make a decision. Once in their hiding place, they must stop, stay still and be quiet, forcing them to fight the urge to move and make noise.  

During play, the game’s rules encourage them to focus their attention, behaviour, thoughts, and emotions by pausing and then using their reasoning to shout ‘polo’ at the right time. 

The game allows players to experience how the fight, flight and freeze responses feel in their body through positive, fun activities.

As the catcher gets closer to those hiding, they will experience heightened emotions before returning the nervous system to a state of calm. Going through this sequence of feelings repeatedly demonstrates that they are safe in their body and helps them learn to manage and respond appropriately and safely.

By introducing these experiences via a fun game, we reduce negative reactivity which may be dangerous or harmful. Over time youngsters will build their tolerance (slowly!) to stress.  

Plus, all games allow children to practice turn taking and social interaction – so there are lots of benefits!


There are lots of games that can be played at home with the same effect:

  • Hide & Seek
  • Stuck in the Mud
  • Floor is Lava
  • Simon Says
  • Freeze Tag
  • Musical Statues

Why not choose a game for you and your family to do at home – you could make it a regular feature in the week.

Follow us for more tips and suggestions! Join the newsletter mailing list here

Getting through the festive season

Most people look forward to the festive period but if you are neurodivergent then it can exacerbate issues you already find tricky… changes in routine, activities and expectations.

Some of our ‘neuro-spicy’ staff and families have collaborated to pull together this list of tips and suggestions to help you tackle the Christmas and New Year period. We’ve even included some handy templates and resources!  

It’s ok to do your version of whatever you want, or need, to do!

Be by yourself, have no decorations, eat your usual favourite foods, stay in jammies, play with old familiar toys, watch the same old TV programmes, open presents (do they need wrapped?) when you feel like it… whatever helps you and your family to cope with these different festive experiences.

Reducing demands can help avoid overwhelm and meltdowns, so everyone can self-regulate.

Social demands can be high at this time of year, so try to be aware of your own social battery and be selective about what you commit too; even if this means missing a gathering or leaving early. Space out social events to make sure you and your family have time to recover and decompress. 

Reducing sensory overload can be tricky at this time of year. Here are some ways to cope:

  1. Create a safe/quiet space with sensory supports and familiar comfy clothes/blankets or ear defenders if needed.
  2. Consider your environment. How can you reduce food smells, lighting or noise? Does changing the environment help; take time out in a quiet, safe space, go outside/for a drive.
  3. Use familiar sensory tools and resources. If you are going out remember to take your favourite sensory items with you. Being in busy or unfamiliar social settings could result in an increase in stimming behaviour and greater reliance on sensory tools.
  4. Communicate. Explain to people if you or your loved one is feeling overwhelmed. Why not encourage the whole family to use our energy battery to share how they are feeling – you can even turn it into a game! If the adults/non-neurodivergent people model some regulating activities (massage, deep breathing, bear hugs, active calming etc.) then it becomes the norm. Brief the whole family on what the triggers or signs of dysregulation are for you and tell them what your sensory solutions and strategies are. 
  5. Plan sensory breaks or active moments try to avoid sensory overwhelm by proactively taking time out to regulate and recharge.

Preparing for all the changes to routine and expectations is so important! If you introduce visual supports such as calendar countdowns, social stories, schedules in advance then you/your neurodivergent loved-one will feel more in control. Having a set routine of activities can help many, others might prefer having a choice of what activities they do or what order they do them in. Use visual choice boards so they can choose and during activities, timers can be great to define the start and end.

There can be a lot of anxiety and/or excitement associated with Christmas, especially Christmas eve when sleeping may be even more difficult. Prioritise some relaxation exercises and wind-down time before bedtime to try ease the transition to sleep (remember, relaxation for some can be both low and high energy!).

Trying to juggle everyone’s needs and expectations at this time of year can be very stressful. It is almost impossible to achieve this. It can be particularly tricky having some children or adults in the household who can and want a more traditional Christmas, balancing that with those who find it more difficult and require their own version. Remember to use your usual strategies and techniques – if that means using separate rooms, each doing different activities at different times, using screen time, fidgets/sensory supports, limiting time at the table, eating under the table, particularly at unfamiliar environments or in a group situation, that is ok.

Maybe having a code word, gesture or symbol card to demonstrate a need for support between family members could work. Remember your own needs – take the time and space to calm your chaos: step outside into the cold air, take some deep breaths, listen to your favourite music! 

Christmas expectations template

Fill this template in and share with others to help them understand your needs.

We know it can be hard to initiate conversations with family or friends about why you and your loved-ones do things differently at Christmas so hopefully this will make it a little easier.

By explaining your requirements you can set expectations which will help them understand and accommodate your needs so everyone has a good time!

Colouring sheets

Regulation tools

Socialising when you are neurodivergent

Some may think that is an overly generalised statement but, the reality is that modern life is fast paced, highly stimulating and demanding, which is incredibly difficult for everyone but especially for those with additional support needs. Life today comes with a never-ending list of societal expectations, pass your exams, go to University, build a fulfilling career, have successful relationships, become a parent, contribute to your community (we could go on!😉). If you have a neurodivergent condition such as Autism or ADHD, then living up to these expectations can be an up-hill struggle.

The numerous unwritten rules of how to engage in social settings are a minefield for neurodivergent people and they can find building friendships or personal interactions particularly challenging!

For example, a neurodivergent person may struggle to interpret conversational cues so doesn’t understand or see the point of ‘small talk’. Or someone who finds reading body language tricky so is oblivious to another person trying to instigate a conversation and comes across as rude or abrupt when they give one-word answers (or walk away while the other person is mid-sentence!).

And nowadays these situations occur during online interactions too! The expectation that everyone will have a social media presence to document their every move and thought is an additional pressure. Communicating via the internet might be less intimidating than face-to-face interactions for many neurodivergent people but, they are still expected to do this within the ever-changing parameters of digital etiquette which can be difficult to monitor.

All of this leaves many neurodivergent people isolated and excluded because society is not flexible enough to accommodate anyone who processes information and situations differently. They are forced to work extra hard to process the world around them, often ‘masking’ their neurodiversity, by hiding their stimming behaviour or forcing themselves to maintain eye contact or sit still just to fit in. But that requires a massive amount of energy and many people reach ‘burnout’ as they become mentally, psychologically and emotionally exhausted.

Well in an ideal world, society would change but sadly, it’s not that straight forward. Awareness of neurodiversity is increasing but, practical steps to accommodate neurodivergent people are slow at being implemented throughout society.

  • More social spaces!

There needs to be a greater understanding and acceptance of neurodivergent people who should be celebrated and included rather than being expected to adjust their behaviour to conform to restrictive societal expectations. There is a shortage of social activities where neurodivergent people can meet others and socialise without sensory overload and where neuro-inclusivity is the norm, not the expectation!

At SensationALL, our mission is to provide safe places for ALL ages to access play and social groups where everyone can be themselves and feel they belong with support from our specialist practitioners.

Our range of social groups, known as ‘SociALLise’, are designed around the preferences and needs of the attendees so they can have fun doing things they enjoy. There are SociALLise groups for primary school ages, teenagers and young adults and we now regularly hold five different sessions each week in Aberdeen and Westhill.

Most importantly, SociALLise is a community! Once you have a place, it is yours for life. Over the years, many youngsters have transitioned from the primary school aged groups right up to the young adult groups and along the way have made life-long friends.

a SociALLise attendee

  • Practical Support

We believe in empowering individuals by sharing our SensationALL tips and techniques which they can use in everyday life to feel more resilient in overwhelming situations. Sessions are a safe space to share experiences and open up about worries allowing them to understand more about themselves and build self-value and feel accepted. This support allows them to take ownership of their neurodivergent identity as they realise they are not alone.

Our team of practitioners have a wealth of experience in supporting individuals with complex needs and as some identify as neurodivergent themselves they can use first-hand experiences to relate to our attendees.

Demand is growing exponentially for places in our SociALLise sessions and we have 90 youngsters waiting for places right now! New families are approaching us every week but we need to increase our income before we can create more of these invaluable groups.

Our aim is to have more SociALLise sessions taking place in locations across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire so if you want to help SensationALL support more young neurodivergent people please get in touch! You could fundraise for us or get involved with one of our upcoming events, click below for details.

For anyone interested in using our services or attending a SociALLise session, the first step is to register with us.

Surviving the summer holidays

For those of us with school aged youngsters, the summer holidays can present a daunting period of several weeks when we’re out of normal routine which is particularly hard to navigate for individuals with neurodivergent conditions.

Many families living with neurodivergent or complex conditions can’t access or enjoy the same holidays or events as those with neurotypical youngsters and we understand that finding opportunities to suited to your families needs is difficult.

We are here to support you with our 8 top practical tips and some useful resources to make your summer a little bit easier…

Give structure to unstructured time! Youngsters are used to the daily timetable that comes with school, from leaving the house on time to set mealtimes and designated playtime and for most neurodivergent children, routine = comfort and safety.

To ease the transition to holidays, it can be vital to keep some level of routine so your young person will understand what is expected of them at different points of the day/week.

Create structure by using a visual timetable or chatting through the day’s plans in advance, a visual family calendar is a great way to plan out the week or even the month. At SensationALL, we regularly use ‘now and next’ boards to clearly communicate with youngsters e.g. “now we are playing in the garden, next we will go to the shop“.

It’s important to build in their choices (even if it’s from your shortlist), to promote a sense of involvement and control for them. Just remember, your routine should reflect what works well for you and your family.

Here are some templates you can print to create your routine…

July calendar template
August calendar template
Activity Visuals
Now/Next planner template

Expectations of what the day/holiday will be like often sets us up for failure. Remember, the perfect day is different for everyone!

It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others and aim for what society expects you to do during the summer holidays. The small talk at the school gates can evoke anxiety and even disappointment about your plans… “you going away this year?”, “planning to take the kids to [insert name of popular event/play facility]?” Aaargh!!

The best way to overcome those feelings is by being realistic about your family’s boundaries and adapting your plans to suit. Expect multiple changes throughout the holidays (to diet, sleep, behaviour) as emotions will fluctuate with daily changes in activities and routines. Be flexible – if something isn’t going to plan, change the plan!

Our adult expectations of the “perfect” family day are often unrealistic – be kind to yourself by avoiding unnecessary expectations. Why force yourself to go abroad or be in busy environments if the stress is going to be too much. Your youngster will have a better time if the experience is relaxed and fun – they don’t remember the small details that we do. And, don’t feel bad if your plans aren’t as elaborate or busy as other families – your version of an ideal day is enough!!!

Make your plans together as a family, so everyone can suggest an activity they’d like to do during the holidays – picnics, trips to the local park, having a movie afternoon – whatever they like doing! This will give them a sense of control while empowering their sense of self as their interests and preferences bring comfort and stability.

Every child is unique and will present differently with individual needs. You are the expert when it comes to your child, so don’t compare with others do what’s right for you your child and your family. Keep using any strategies that work in term-time.

Make sure to include time for relaxing or downtime as it can be tempting to have fill the days with activities and adventures but often this is overwhelming for both them and us. Maybe alternate activity days with low key days at home. The odd PJ day is a great idea!

Use our Energy Ladders templates to manage everyone’s emotions throughout the holidays. Why not create a personalised one for each member of the family so everyone can use it to communicate and highlight what they need.

Do some role-play if you are going on holiday or having days out as it can be overwhelming for our individuals if they don’t know what an event/place may be like, or what will happen when they get there.

Many venues have video walk-through’s/photos or generic scenarios can be found online to watch beforehand. Making a checklist of expectations (to mark off as they happen) can be a good way of manage expectations. Role-playing the event helps to prepare them, e.g. pretending you’re in the airport, going through customs, pretend to scan the suitcase etc.

Remember to COMMUNICATE! One of the biggest causes of anxiety is the unknown. Chat through the day’s plan, talk about feelings about an event, use visuals to communicate (could be photos on your phone, symbols or hand drawn pictures, checklists, schedules, coping strategy cards etc.). Communicate as a family, chatting through concerns, needs and expectations as a group “what shall we do if“… to help each family member feel prepared.

Many places, events, and businesses will have accommodations for those with additional needs or neurodivergent conditions but sometimes they aren’t obvious and too often we feel embarrassed or afraid to ask.

Lots of venues provide free carer places or sensory kits/visual guides and there may be quieter routes/areas you can access. Wearing a sunflower lanyard can be helpful to alert staff to your family’s possible support needs, and can even reduce waiting times or the need to queue.

Constantly thinking of our child’s needs can be exhausting! Often we are surviving on little sleep, or virtually no respite from our caring roles. It’s vital that you take care of you too!

Say ‘no’ to things that will overstretch you. Ask for support from others (a partner, relative or friend) who can watch the children while you have a shopping trip, walk or drive by yourself – whatever you need to stay sane!

Find your Tribe! Never forget… you are part of a wider parenting ‘tribe’ of families going through similar things who are also desperate for company.

Reach out to a friend, message a social media group chat, or email us at SensationALL. It’s highly likely someone else will be up for that trip to the park or be available for a coffee and chat. Support from others on outings can make or break the trip.

Even though SensationALL’s sessions fill up quickly, our network of families are always available via the Facebook forum!

Sensory activities and toys are great for keeping youngsters regulated. Never leave home without a sensory bag of tricks containing their favourite fidgets or comforters.

Build a mix of high and low energy activities into your schedule so to manage periods when they are feeling over or under stimulated. Active calming exercises like obstacle courses, skipping, running or bouncing are perfect for those with excess energy. While it’s a great idea to keep a selection of calming activities in reserve for whenever you need them to stay indoors or bring their energy down.

Here are some of our SensationALL sensory activities that can easily be done at home. There’s things to make, bake and feel great with high energy activities like the scavenger hunt (perfect to keep youngsters focused on a task while you’re out and about) or the lower energy word search which is great for those who find cognitive exercises relaxing…

It may seem like a long time away but keep focused on the return to school as, it will present yet ANOTHER change for youngsters who have probably just got used to the holiday routine.

A few weeks before school restarts, why not deliberately drive or walk past the school or go to the school playground. Use the calendar to have a countdown so it’s clear how many days there are before school starts.

Why not make the back-to-school shopping a fun activity they can be part of? Going into shops might not be possible but get them to choose their new school bag or lunchbox online so they feel involved.

For older children, use what you know about their new schedule, classes, peers to prepare them for the transition to a new class or school. Stay positive by highlighting the things they like about school and emphasise opportunities that a new year presents i.e. better school lunches, more variety of classes etc. The week before school it can be really helpful to get back into the early morning routines (for us as well as them!).

A SensationALL lifeline!

For many families, hearing that their loved one has a neurodevelopmental condition can be overwhelming. To those unfamiliar with conditions like Autism and ADHD, the prospect of living with lifelong sensory issues and behavioural difficulties is daunting and leaves parent/carers facing an uncertain future for their children.

There are very few statutory services available to families until a formal diagnosis is made and as the assessment process can be lengthy (and stressful!) this is often the time when they need practical support the most! Families don’t know where to turn and parents/carers frequently tell us they felt isolated and lost, unsure how to best support their child.

Awareness of neurodiversity is slowly improving however, there is still a lack of acceptance due to misunderstandings and the stereotyping of neurodivergent individuals.

Many families feel excluded from mainstream activities and public places as the noise, pace and size of groups is too much for their youngster to cope with. The emotions of a neurodivergent youngster are often heightened and as sensory triggers can lead to a “meltdown” (either physical or emotional) this can result in difficult situations when in public.

Families not only have to deal with the challenges of caring for a youngster with additional needs but they often worry about onlookers wrongly interpreting the physical responses of their over-stimulated neurodivergent child (such as screaming, biting, hitting or throwing things) as bad behaviour when, it is their way of telling us they are struggling with the environment around them. Even their harmless stimming (hand flapping, swaying, repetitive noises etc.) attracts unwanted attention from curious strangers.

As a result, most parents dread being judged by strangers so being in public can be an anxious, stressful experience – something as simple as popping to the shop, eating out or being in a busy play park can be a minefield for families living with neurodiversity.

SensationALL was founded with the aim of filling that gap for families in the northeast of Scotland who are unsure how best to support their child or young person. We make it our mission to provide inclusive play and social opportunities that are tailored to the sensory and behavioural needs of youngsters with additional needs while sharing our knowledge and expertise with parent/carers who want to learn more about neurodiversity.

We believe everyone has a right to be accepted as they are and have access to fun, beneficial recreational activities that is suitable for their needs. Our specialist team of staff are committed to sharing practical techniques and strategies for individuals and their families to use in everyday life that will make them more resilient and able to cope with overpowering emotions. We aim to empower them with skills that enable them to reach their full potential in life.

Rebekah’s story:

One of our families, who found SensationALL after struggling to cope with the prospect that all four of their young children have Autism wanted to share their story recently.

Each of the children have different sensory and behavioural needs which makes parenting extra difficult and going out in public is not an easy thing for them. Thanks to our family soft-play sessions, they can all come together to enjoy quality time in our soft play and sensory facilities. Plus, their eldest Kaleb, has benefited from attending Chill-oot, our self-regulation programme that promotes emotional awareness for youngsters and teaches them coping strategies for when they are overwhelmed.

Watch: Rebekah tells her story in her own words.

SensationALL provides social groups, sensory play sessions and advisory services to those of ALL ages with ALL conditions and for ALL members of the family. If you would like more information about any of the services available you can read more here or email us at

SensationALL christmas present ideas

At this time of year, the SensationALL team are often asked for suggestions for Christmas presents or sticking filler ideas for multi support needs children. Our experienced team of Occupational Therapists and Support Workers often spend time researching products, toys and objects to not only use during our groups or at events, but also for training workshops! We have used some of these ideas to put together a starter-for-10 Christmas present list:

Special Needs Toys Website –  this is a great website with sensory specific sections for toys and equipment. From tactile to proprioceptive, this website covers all basis’ for sensory specific presents for unique individuals.

Sequin Snap Bracelet – these reversible sequin snap bracelets are good sensory fidgets that are wearable – our service users in the SensationALL holiday groups and Chill OOT especially loved using these. There are lots of other reversable sequin products such as cushions, pencil cases, backpacks etc that would also make for a great Christmas gift.

Infinity Loop – this is a stainless steel springy slinky for your arm. Our SensationALL service users have loved using these in our Inclusive Social Group and our sensory sessions. A simple but highly enjoyable interactive toy that provides endless fun.

Marks and Spencers Kids Easy Dressing Range – we love the special range of clothes M&S have created which are adapted for children who need extra help. With clothing options for anyone with feeding tubes or if they simply need clothes that are easy to put on and gentle for sensitive skin. The Easy Dressing range aims to help make dressing easier, quicker, more comfortable – and more fun!

Sensory Body Sock – body socks are a great resource to try out for individuals with multiple support needs. The resistant walls of the body sock provide a tactile means of self-referencing that improves body awareness and assists in developing spatial awareness through balance and resistance. At SensationALL we have used body socks in several of our social and emotional regulation groups and lots of the kids love them!

Our last Christmas gift idea is of course, the SensationALL gift card! Available to buy directly from SensationALL by emailing or you can buy one from the Old Schoolhouse when you are at one of our groups or events. Each gift card costs £30 and provides 6 hour long sessions at any of our groups! A great gift to access SensationALL’s exciting range of services. #SensationALL

SensationALL and Children in Need

SensationALL provide therapeutic activities and specialist support for individuals with disabilities or multiple support needs (MSN), their families and associated professionals. To improve the lives of children and adults with disabilities by supporting them, we make specialist support accessible to the whole family in a tailored environment.

This year we were lucky enough to have secured three years funding from Children in Need, this funding has assisted the development of two groups to promote inclusion, social opportunities and empowerment of skills for children with multiple support needs and their siblings.

Inclusive Social Group

Previously only a monthly group, the Inclusive Social Group now runs every second week and is a social group for primary school-aged children with support needs (mainly autism and learning issues) and their siblings. It is run in conjunction with our sister social enterprise out of school care club, Schools Out! This gives us the opportunity to create a safe, supported environment for children with mainstream and diverse needs to play and learn from each other. A range of games, interactive activities and therapeutic rooms are available for all the children,  supported by experienced SensationALL staff. An added benefit for most of our families is that it is a drop-off session, where parents and carers are not expected to stay on-site, so providing a brief period of respite in an often challenging life.

Already it is evident how valuable this group is for families, some of whom travel almost 20 miles to attend. One mother said “It is one of the few places that we can come and I can leave my son, knowing that he is not only cared for in a safe place, but that he will be encouraged to engage with a range of peers, while learning to tolerate others and have unique opportunities to self-regulate with supportive staff in special facilities”.

One young sibling also said “It’s great that my brother has autism because it means that we both get to come here and play with our friends. I get to meet other siblings and have great fun!”

SocALLise Teenage Social Group

This group has developed rapidly over the last two school terms, increasing attendee numbers by 60%. It is attended weekly by academy-aged youngsters with various support needs (most being autism related). As well as this group being structured around usual youth club type activities like; pool, games, baking, sports, quizzes, and creative projects; the youth group get the opportunity to partake in community based visits and outings.

SensationALL Operational Team Lead, Suz Strachan says: “the focus for this group is to promote confidence, provide social and community based opportunities to increase vocational experiences and generally promote social skills and self resilience.”

One teenager said “I struggle to fit in, always have and SocALLise gives me a place to come every week where I can meet my friends and be accepted. I would probably just do nothing or sit in my room otherwise.” One of the parents expressed the difference it had already made to their teenage son: “…we have seen our son’s confidence increase and for a boy who’s default mode is reluctance, avoidance and negative thinking; the staff have quickly attuned to his needs and found ways to encourage his involvement in all the group’s activities.”

With less than 10% of income originating from service income, SensationALL rely heavily on grants, trusts and donations to ensure the continuation of life-changing groups like those supported by Children in Need and to help the development of their unique vision of an inclusive supportive hub for the North of Scotland.

SensationALL are very thankful for the opportunity to benefit from the support of Children in Need, not only in the form of funding, but also in their marketing and training support, which for a small, growing charity can assist with the empowerment of skills to ensure long term sustainability.

For more information on any of our groups and services, see our timetable here or contact us. #SensationALL

SensationALL suggestions for Bonfire Night

Bonfire night (like many of society’s popular calendar events) can be anything but enjoyable for many of our unique individuals with support needs. Many who suffer from anxiety and sensory issues can find the unexpected nature of displays very stressful and a trigger for meltdowns. We have put together a few SensationALL suggestions to help make bonfire night a more positive experience.


Creating a visual countdown to “out of routine” events can be beneficial to help your child understand not only when bonfire night will take place, but it is also important to build in variability of the event – although it’s one night, chances are there will be displays and random fireworks a few days before and after – using a question mark might be a way of suggesting that there could be some unexpected noises or fireworks.

Creating your own Social Stories are an effective methods to provide guidance and directions for responding to various types of social situations.. They may use images or words to present the situation and can be another good way to prepare your child. It can be beneficial to include any possible sensory or coping strategies in this as well. i.e. “when I feel upset/stressed, I can pull up my hood and use my earphones to listen to my music”.

By their nature fireworks are unpredictable, so try to help your child understand what to expect. Watching videos of firework displays – building up sound levels or demonstrating sparklers in advance could help.

Firework Displays

Some local authorities provide accommodated displays that are suitable for people with disabilities – these might be less crowded and cause less anxiety. Parking some distance from the display and watching from the car is one way to enjoy the visuals without any of the noise. If you go to a big display, you might want to find a quieter spot from crowds. Let your child know how long the display might last/you plan to stay and explain that they can retreat to the car when they have had enough. If you are attending an event for the first time, this might be a very short time. It is best to create a positive experience and possibly using “5 more then car or home” might extend the time, while still ending up on a positive note for next year.

If you are having fireworks in the house, allow your child to watch from inside where it is warm and they can experience the pretty sights without the loud noises. Table top fireworks, quieter fireworks or a virtual one might be a better place to start. Again, consider identifying a safe space or coping strategy – i.e. “when I feel upset/stressed, I can go to my room and use my earphones to listen to my music”.

Sensory Issues

Ear defenders, earphones and swimming ear putty (available from Boots Chemist and online via amazon) can help to block noise and reduce the anxiety that people with sensory issues may experience. Using ear or headphones and music can be a way to include a coping/distraction strategy – as can handheld games/electronics/figit toys.  

  • Bluetooth headphones are our new special toy – especially ones that allow you to talk over music/give instructions/reassurance.
  • Consider the cold for outdoor displays – warm or weighted clothes can also be a great comfort.  Use of hoods and ear muffs might also help.
  • Have back up plan – like a sensory space – explain what their coping options are: back to the car, hide under a hood/blanket/weighted item/put sunglasses on.

Another online resource to look at for Bonfire night is this website with safety advice.

October holidays with SensationALL

We cannot believe it is just a week to go until the end of the first term and the October Holidays! SensationALL has had a busy few months and there has been lots of activity in the Old Schoolhouse, including some renovations and makeover of some of our rooms and outdoor area. If you haven’t visited for a while remember we have stay-and-play sessions every second Sunday and a morning drop-in session on the first Tuesday of the month.

For now, let’s see the holiday events programme!

  • Monday 15 October

Inclusive Social Group with Schools Out! Club from 2pm to 4pm; come and try some Lego therapy techniques encouraging service users to work alongside their peers on a Lego project. There will be choices available with free play construction and other games including interactive online games on the Smart Board and is £5 per child and is suitable for MSN children and their siblings.

  • Tuesday 16 October

Inclusive Social Group with Schools Out! Club from 1.30pm to 3.30pm for a Fairy and Gremlin session, where you can get creative making pixie dust and gremlin goo! We will also have a go at making our own fairy garden, with pot planting and stone painting and try and find all the different Fairy and Gremlin homes at the bottom of the garden (where the Fairies live). Use your match cards to see if you have found them all and take part in the multi-sensory experience and see if you can hear the flutter of the fairy wings and the chatter of the gremlins as well as tasting magical themed snacks and is £5 per child, suitable for MSN children and their siblings.

  • Wednesday 17 October

Music Mayhem in the Old Schoolhouse from 6.30pm to 7.30pm! This is a drop-in session for all ages and abilities and is £4 per family.

  • Thursday 18 October

Sensory stations (10.30am to 11.30am) and free play (11.30am to 12.30pm). Our sensory station activity will involve a ‘have a go’ variety of sensory tools, including massagers, weighted blankets and music. Get involved with creating your own fidgets such as scented jewellery and stress balloons! We will also have the opportunity to use the soft play and sensory room. £5 for the session, suitable for MSN children and their siblings.

Musical Performance with Aberdeen musician and performing artist, Sam Stephen from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Get involved with our accessible production, including interactive music with plenty of chances to sing, act, sign and dance! £5 per child.

Free Play session with the SensationALL team in the soft playroom and sensory room from 2.30pm to 3.30pm. £5 per child.

Booking is essential for all activities (except for Music Mayhem which is a drop-in sessions) and is possible via email or telephone 01223 746699. The SensationALL top-up cards are valid for the holiday sessions too. #SensationALL

Life Skills Group with SensationALL

After the success of our first Life Skills Group, the second programme is due to start on Tuesday, 21st August. This 8-week session runs on a Tuesday from 1pm to 2.30pm in the Old Schoolhouse, Westhill from 21st August until the 09th October.

Having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life and be as independent as possible. For many individuals, both adults and children with MSN, it can be difficult to manage activities of daily living and they may need tasks to be adapted or require assistance to participate.

The SensationALL Life Skills Group is aimed at individuals who have been identified as having a need and / or the potential to develop their daily independence skills, like making a cup of tea, doing dishes, creating an art project or gardening. The programme and its activities have been designed by Occupational Therapists and the chosen activity will be identified, graded and developed giving each individual more independence, confidence and self-esteem.

What the carers had to say:

“…she has looked forward to every session.”

” …giving them a sense of achievement.”

“…developed new responsibilities.”

“…learning how quickly someone with additional needs can learn so much and progress so quickly.”

What the team volunteers had to say:

“…seen an increased confidence in the service users.”

“…enjoyed watching them go from strength to strength.”

“…I have learned patience and empathy.”

Eligibility to join the SensationALL Life Skills Group includes the ability to understand instruction (verbal, written or visuals) and a basic skill level in chosen activity and interest in certain life skills activities.

Limited spaces left for this small group, please contact or telephone 01224 746699 to book your place. #SensationALL