Would you walk on fire for SensationALL?!

Do you have what it takes to conquer a Firewalk? We are looking for people to sign up and take on this challenge and raise much-needed funds to support our service delivery.

We need people with the inner courage to walk barefoot across glowing embers in an exhilarating and motivational night of fundraising! Working in conjunction with Firewalk Scotland, this event is set to turn up the heat on our fundraising! 

Charity CEO, Katie McNutt, is excited about the event and acknowledges it is coming at a time when funding is especially crucial to the charity: 

“Now more than ever we need people to take on fundraising challenges for us as the demand for our services is higher than ever. The money generated from the Firewalk will go directly towards the cost of running vital groups and support services for families in the northeast.” 

We currently have the names of over 90 youngsters on our waiting lists for places in groups and there are families approaching us every week looking for help. Our social groups and sensory play sessions provide fun, social opportunities for those with complex needs or neurodivergent conditions such as Autism, who struggle to make friends and interact in mainstream settings. Meanwhile, our advisory consultations and support groups for parents and carers make a massive difference as they feel better able to care for their loved-one. However, we are working at capacity and urgently need to raise more money so we can meet the demand from new families! 

But why would you want to walk on fire?! Other than fundraising for a good cause, Firewalk Scotland say that:

“The lesson of the firewalk is not about the fire, but about what it takes to get through it – which can be applied to any aspect of a person’s life. This is about finding your inner courage and confidence, being able to look fear in the eye and overcome it.” 

Have you got what it takes?!

So don’t hesitate – sign up now! 

Entry is £20 and you’ll be asked to fundraise £100 for SensationALL. In return, we’ll help you with setting up a donation page and you’ll get your own SensationALL t-shirt. Plus, on the night itself, you’ll get expert training during a motivational workshop which will ramp you up to put ‘mind over matter’! 

SensationALL’s Firewalk is on Saturday 23rd November from 6.30pm at The Old Schoolhouse, Westhill. Spectators are welcome and we’ll have refreshments and games.  

For more information and to register for the event contact us – events@sensationall.org.uk 

Surviving the summer holidays

For those of us with school aged youngsters, the summer holidays can present a daunting period of several weeks when we’re out of normal routine which is particularly hard to navigate for individuals with neurodivergent conditions.

Many families living with neurodivergent or complex conditions can’t access or enjoy the same holidays or events as those with neurotypical youngsters and we understand that finding opportunities to suited to your families needs is difficult.

We are here to support you with our 8 top practical tips and some useful resources to make your summer a little bit easier…

Give structure to unstructured time! Youngsters are used to the daily timetable that comes with school, from leaving the house on time to set mealtimes and designated playtime and for most neurodivergent children, routine = comfort and safety.

To ease the transition to holidays, it can be vital to keep some level of routine so your young person will understand what is expected of them at different points of the day/week.

Create structure by using a visual timetable or chatting through the day’s plans in advance, a visual family calendar is a great way to plan out the week or even the month. At SensationALL, we regularly use ‘now and next’ boards to clearly communicate with youngsters e.g. “now we are playing in the garden, next we will go to the shop“.

It’s important to build in their choices (even if it’s from your shortlist), to promote a sense of involvement and control for them. Just remember, your routine should reflect what works well for you and your family.

Here are some templates you can print to create your routine…

July calendar template
August calendar template
Activity Visuals
Now/Next planner template

Expectations of what the day/holiday will be like often sets us up for failure. Remember, the perfect day is different for everyone!

It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others and aim for what society expects you to do during the summer holidays. The small talk at the school gates can evoke anxiety and even disappointment about your plans… “you going away this year?”, “planning to take the kids to [insert name of popular event/play facility]?” Aaargh!!

The best way to overcome those feelings is by being realistic about your family’s boundaries and adapting your plans to suit. Expect multiple changes throughout the holidays (to diet, sleep, behaviour) as emotions will fluctuate with daily changes in activities and routines. Be flexible – if something isn’t going to plan, change the plan!

Our adult expectations of the “perfect” family day are often unrealistic – be kind to yourself by avoiding unnecessary expectations. Why force yourself to go abroad or be in busy environments if the stress is going to be too much. Your youngster will have a better time if the experience is relaxed and fun – they don’t remember the small details that we do. And, don’t feel bad if your plans aren’t as elaborate or busy as other families – your version of an ideal day is enough!!!

Make your plans together as a family, so everyone can suggest an activity they’d like to do during the holidays – picnics, trips to the local park, having a movie afternoon – whatever they like doing! This will give them a sense of control while empowering their sense of self as their interests and preferences bring comfort and stability.

Every child is unique and will present differently with individual needs. You are the expert when it comes to your child, so don’t compare with others do what’s right for you your child and your family. Keep using any strategies that work in term-time.

Make sure to include time for relaxing or downtime as it can be tempting to have fill the days with activities and adventures but often this is overwhelming for both them and us. Maybe alternate activity days with low key days at home. The odd PJ day is a great idea!

Use our Energy Ladders templates to manage everyone’s emotions throughout the holidays. Why not create a personalised one for each member of the family so everyone can use it to communicate and highlight what they need.

Do some role-play if you are going on holiday or having days out as it can be overwhelming for our individuals if they don’t know what an event/place may be like, or what will happen when they get there.

Many venues have video walk-through’s/photos or generic scenarios can be found online to watch beforehand. Making a checklist of expectations (to mark off as they happen) can be a good way of manage expectations. Role-playing the event helps to prepare them, e.g. pretending you’re in the airport, going through customs, pretend to scan the suitcase etc.

Remember to COMMUNICATE! One of the biggest causes of anxiety is the unknown. Chat through the day’s plan, talk about feelings about an event, use visuals to communicate (could be photos on your phone, symbols or hand drawn pictures, checklists, schedules, coping strategy cards etc.). Communicate as a family, chatting through concerns, needs and expectations as a group “what shall we do if“… to help each family member feel prepared.

Many places, events, and businesses will have accommodations for those with additional needs or neurodivergent conditions but sometimes they aren’t obvious and too often we feel embarrassed or afraid to ask.

Lots of venues provide free carer places or sensory kits/visual guides and there may be quieter routes/areas you can access. Wearing a sunflower lanyard can be helpful to alert staff to your family’s possible support needs, and can even reduce waiting times or the need to queue.

Constantly thinking of our child’s needs can be exhausting! Often we are surviving on little sleep, or virtually no respite from our caring roles. It’s vital that you take care of you too!

Say ‘no’ to things that will overstretch you. Ask for support from others (a partner, relative or friend) who can watch the children while you have a shopping trip, walk or drive by yourself – whatever you need to stay sane!

Find your Tribe! Never forget… you are part of a wider parenting ‘tribe’ of families going through similar things who are also desperate for company.

Reach out to a friend, message a social media group chat, or email us at SensationALL. It’s highly likely someone else will be up for that trip to the park or be available for a coffee and chat. Support from others on outings can make or break the trip.

Even though SensationALL’s sessions fill up quickly, our network of families are always available via the Facebook forum!

Sensory activities and toys are great for keeping youngsters regulated. Never leave home without a sensory bag of tricks containing their favourite fidgets or comforters.

Build a mix of high and low energy activities into your schedule so to manage periods when they are feeling over or under stimulated. Active calming exercises like obstacle courses, skipping, running or bouncing are perfect for those with excess energy. While it’s a great idea to keep a selection of calming activities in reserve for whenever you need them to stay indoors or bring their energy down.

Here are some of our SensationALL sensory activities that can easily be done at home. There’s things to make, bake and feel great with high energy activities like the scavenger hunt (perfect to keep youngsters focused on a task while you’re out and about) or the lower energy word search which is great for those who find cognitive exercises relaxing…

It may seem like a long time away but keep focused on the return to school as, it will present yet ANOTHER change for youngsters who have probably just got used to the holiday routine.

A few weeks before school restarts, why not deliberately drive or walk past the school or go to the school playground. Use the calendar to have a countdown so it’s clear how many days there are before school starts.

Why not make the back-to-school shopping a fun activity they can be part of? Going into shops might not be possible but get them to choose their new school bag or lunchbox online so they feel involved.

For older children, use what you know about their new schedule, classes, peers to prepare them for the transition to a new class or school. Stay positive by highlighting the things they like about school and emphasise opportunities that a new year presents i.e. better school lunches, more variety of classes etc. The week before school it can be really helpful to get back into the early morning routines (for us as well as them!).

The Old Schoolhouse redevelopment

We are excited to share our plans to extend and redevelop our main centre, The Old Schoolhouse in Westhill to create a state-of-the-art facility for our families, staff and volunteers.

Following completion of our Community Asset Transfer for the building from Aberdeenshire Council in 2019, which secured a 175 year lease, we have been committed to sensitively maintaining and developing the building to sustain its place as a valuable community facility.

The Old Schoolhouse is one of Westhill’s oldest buildings, thought to date back as far as 1832 when it was built as the town’s school with an attached house being added later to provide accommodation for the school master. In more recent years it was home to a play group until it become largely unused until we made it our home in 2016.

Charity founders, Suz Strachan and Susan Kay, saw the potential of The Old Schoolhouse and we have already made massive improvements with the installation of the soft play and sensory rooms as well as new kitchens, flooring and even the adjacent inclusive play park was added in 2021.

However, being a historic building, the existing floorplan does not suit modern purposes and there are several issues we need to overcome to make the centre fit for purpose:

  • Lack of a clear entrance point – the main door is not clearly visible from the car park and entry is via a kitchen with a tight turn which is difficult for wheelchair users to navigate.  
  • Better access – the large activity rooms offer great space but, layout is an issues as 2 are only accessible via the main (‘Green’) room creating accessibility issues when it is in use.
  • Shortage of practical amenities – we need to upgrade and increase the number of toilets and add better changing facilities for wheelchair users.

SensationALL is experiencing massive demand from families across the northeast and we are acutely aware we need to duplicate existing sessions and services to accommodate more people.

As we share the building with our sister organisation, Schools Out Club (providing breakfast and after school clubs for local primary school children) we need to take their needs into consideration too. Similar to us, Schools Out Club are working with full waiting lists and they can’t increase the number of children onsite until there is more space!

After much thought into what would solve our layout, amenities and accessibility issues, the staff team worked alongside architects to create plans to extend the building.

These plans create additional activity spaces which will allow us to hold multiple sessions at one time while adding sensory elements and a Changing Places toilet that will be open to the public.

The reworked layout means SensationALL and Schools Out Club will both be able to operate from the building at the same time as the building can be clearly divided.

This animation is an artist’s impression of what the exterior of the building could look like with the extensions in place. We plan to reuse as much of the granite from the outhouses (which need to be demolished to make way for the front extension) to retain the character of the building.

Proposed ground floor plan

We hope to submit a planning application to Aberdeenshire Council later in the year but this is your chance to influence the design before that process. Please take a look at the below drawings and artists impressions then use the link to the feedback survey (closes end of 20th May) to give us your thoughts…

Scan me

A SensationALL lifeline!

For many families, hearing that their loved one has a neurodevelopmental condition can be overwhelming. To those unfamiliar with conditions like Autism and ADHD, the prospect of living with lifelong sensory issues and behavioural difficulties is daunting and leaves parent/carers facing an uncertain future for their children.

There are very few statutory services available to families until a formal diagnosis is made and as the assessment process can be lengthy (and stressful!) this is often the time when they need practical support the most! Families don’t know where to turn and parents/carers frequently tell us they felt isolated and lost, unsure how to best support their child.

Awareness of neurodiversity is slowly improving however, there is still a lack of acceptance due to misunderstandings and the stereotyping of neurodivergent individuals.

Many families feel excluded from mainstream activities and public places as the noise, pace and size of groups is too much for their youngster to cope with. The emotions of a neurodivergent youngster are often heightened and as sensory triggers can lead to a “meltdown” (either physical or emotional) this can result in difficult situations when in public.

Families not only have to deal with the challenges of caring for a youngster with additional needs but they often worry about onlookers wrongly interpreting the physical responses of their over-stimulated neurodivergent child (such as screaming, biting, hitting or throwing things) as bad behaviour when, it is their way of telling us they are struggling with the environment around them. Even their harmless stimming (hand flapping, swaying, repetitive noises etc.) attracts unwanted attention from curious strangers.

As a result, most parents dread being judged by strangers so being in public can be an anxious, stressful experience – something as simple as popping to the shop, eating out or being in a busy play park can be a minefield for families living with neurodiversity.

SensationALL was founded with the aim of filling that gap for families in the northeast of Scotland who are unsure how best to support their child or young person. We make it our mission to provide inclusive play and social opportunities that are tailored to the sensory and behavioural needs of youngsters with additional needs while sharing our knowledge and expertise with parent/carers who want to learn more about neurodiversity.

We believe everyone has a right to be accepted as they are and have access to fun, beneficial recreational activities that is suitable for their needs. Our specialist team of staff are committed to sharing practical techniques and strategies for individuals and their families to use in everyday life that will make them more resilient and able to cope with overpowering emotions. We aim to empower them with skills that enable them to reach their full potential in life.

Rebekah’s story:

One of our families, who found SensationALL after struggling to cope with the prospect that all four of their young children have Autism wanted to share their story recently.

Each of the children have different sensory and behavioural needs which makes parenting extra difficult and going out in public is not an easy thing for them. Thanks to our family soft-play sessions, they can all come together to enjoy quality time in our soft play and sensory facilities. Plus, their eldest Kaleb, has benefited from attending Chill-oot, our self-regulation programme that promotes emotional awareness for youngsters and teaches them coping strategies for when they are overwhelmed.

Watch: Rebekah tells her story in her own words.


SensationALL provides social groups, sensory play sessions and advisory services to those of ALL ages with ALL conditions and for ALL members of the family. If you would like more information about any of the services available you can read more here or email us at info@sensationall.org.uk.

A SensationALL Ball!

Our 2024 fundraising dinner dance was on Friday 8th March at The Chester Hotel, Aberdeen. The annual event is our largest fundraiser of the year and a highlight in our calendar when we get to share stories of our service users and celebrate our achievements in the past year. The 2024 event was a huge success and our biggest one yet, raising around £30,000, which will be used towards the cost of running more vital social groups, sensory play sessions and support services for families across the northeast.

Huge thanks to everyone who came along on the night – are you in the photo gallery below?

Surviving the festive season

Christmas is a fun time of the year but it can come with its challenges for neurodivergent people. Here are some of our top tips to make the festive celebrations easier on you and your family!

  1. Plan ahead

The Christmas holidays can be filled with so many opportunities to socialise, go places and experience new things. Planning ahead is the key to success as it gives your neurodivergent individual chance to prepare for events, you can explain what you are doing and familiarise them with what to expect.

It also enables you to prioritise the things that are most to important to the whole family so you can keep everyone happy.

Once you’ve planned the schedule use visuals or photos to show your ND person where they are going, what they will be doing and who they will see so they feel prepared.

Although, the planning phase can start nice and early, you might not want to share the plans with your ND loved-one until closer to the time if they are likely to get anxious or over-excited about the events.

2. Maintain some routine

During the holidays, the days often merge into one another and its easy to lose all sense of routine with the different events, meals and timings. Plus, the changes to surroundings with all the decorations can be unsettling for some. Many neurodivergent people thrive on routine and it can be important to try keep some of their normal schedule going if you can.

3. Incorporate sensory activities

If your loved one has activities or games they like to do that keep them regulated then you can incorporate those into the festive events.

At SensationALL we use crafts and sensory tools to help individuals stay balanced so we recommend having a sensory bag or toolkit on hand wherever you go to use as needed. It could include fidget toys, favourite games, cosy blankets or clothes – whatever your loved one likes!

Also, remember sensory regulation could come from things like tight hugs, relaxation exercises or active calming from a physical game involving running, jumping or dancing. Some children might feel calmer when given a specific task so getting them to participate in jobs or activities that have a tangible end goal can be useful.

4. Have fun!

The most important thing is to enjoy yourselves and the best way to do that is by avoiding setting unachievable goals!!

Don’t over commit to attend events or see people if it is going to be too much. Agree as a family what is most important this festive period and just do those things. If seeing people in large groups is too overwhelming, spread out family visits over a few occasions or maybe only stay for a short period of time. Set your boundaries and don’t feel bad for sticking to them.

It doesn’t matter if your version of Christmas looks different to other people’s – do what is right for your family and don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go exactly according to your plans.

Whatever your Christmas looks like have a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!

Merry Christmas from SensationALL!

Adult support group

Thanks to funding from Inspiring Scotland, we have launched a new group for adults aged 18 and over, who self-identify as, or are diagnosed with a neurodiverse condition such as Autism or ADHD.

If you are an adult who has been diagnosed later in life, or if you suspect you have a neurodiverse condition, we know it can be stressful learning how to cope with the challenges that neurodiversity can present. Our support groups have been created to bring you together in a safe, friendly place so you can build networks with others in similar situations. You are not alone!!

Sessions are a chance to meet and socialise with other like-minded adults in a relaxed environment, compare your experiences and perspectives of neurodiversity. Our specialist neurodiversity practitioners will chat about a different topics each week and share their practical advice and knowledge.

We will give you:

  • a safe, non-judgemental place to express yourself
  • an introduction to self-regulation techniques
  • signposting to other organisations and networks that may be of benefit
  • wellbeing and resilience strategies
  • social opportunities to build friendships and peer networks
  • resources to reinforce learnings from sessions

Weekly on Tuesdays, 6.30-8pm

At Belgrave House, Belgrave Terrace, Rosemount, Aberdeen, AB25 2NR


Top Tips For A Happy Halloween

Halloween Tips (title on orange background with bats, pumpkins and witches hats.

At SensationALL, we know that Halloween is one of the events in the year that divides people as, while it is a fun celebration for most, many families living with neurodivergent individuals find it a difficult and challenging experience.

If you want to celebrate Halloween this year, here are a few suggestions of how to make it a happy and fun experience for your family…


Decide what you and your family can enjoy (or perhaps just tolerate!) and make plans – do you want to carve a pumpkin, dress up, go to a party, or even go Trick or Treating? Planning in advance gives you a chance to help neurodiverse individuals understand the event and decide how they want to participate so they feel more in control.

Top tip – Show them examples of different activities. Visual stories are useful for introducing different options for celebrating so they can vote for what they want to do. Try these social stories from Little Puddins:

But, always be flexible – you may need to change plans at short notice to suit your neurodiverse person!


Use a countdown in the run up to activities or events – use visual schedules to clearly identify what is happening when.

If dressing up – practice wearing the costume a few times. Consider giving the costume a sensory element (e.g. soft, furry, cosy etc.) or maybe attach a fidget toy to it. Some people like masks to hide behind but others find them constrictive – let your neurodivergent person choose the outfit and how dressed up they want to be. Pinterest is a great source of ideas like these sensory costume suggestions.

Do some role play of the Trick or Treating process. Only make them hold the bucket/bag if they want to and decide together beforehand if they are happy to speak to people or if they want parents/siblings to talk for them.

Top tip – use photos from the internet/social media to show them examples of different costumes they might see when out and about to prepare them for people wearing masks or scary outfits.

Have an exit strategy

We all know that the best laid plans often don’t work out so it’s a good idea to have an exit strategy.

That could be a plan B option if your neurodiverse person refuses to do what you previously agreed – a relaxing Halloween craft or making a Halloween themed snack might be more achievable.

If you do make it out and about, then agree a signal for them to give if they start to feel overwhelmed so you know when it’s time to head home or to a quiet place.

Make it fun!

Halloween can be fun in lots of different ways and there is no “right” way to do it.

They might only wear part of a costume or go Trick or Treating to 1 or 2 houses (or just their grandparent’s house!) or watch while you carve the pumpkin. However they choose to take part, celebrate it and enjoy the small successes with them.

No matter what you do this Halloween, you know your family best so choose the best way to take part without stress. And if your neurodivergent person doesn’t want to do anything at all that’s absolutely fine!

Happy Halloween from SensationALL!

SensationALL volunteers!

Volunteers are the backbone of what we do and we wouldn’t accomplish so much without them. Our volunteers mirror our values, and are an invaluable extension of our team. One volunteer who has proved to be priceless is our maintenance volunteer, Donald who the staff have unofficially entitled “Superman”.

Donald started volunteering with us shortly after retiring. He knew about the charity due to the support SensationALL had provided for his Autistic grandson. As someone who likes to be busy, he simply wasn’t ready to ‘do nothing’ so, his daughter suggested he might be well suited to helping with facility and maintenance jobs around our centre, The Old Schoolhouse in Westhill.

Throughout 2022, Donald’s contributions proved to be invaluable to us as he can turn his hand to pretty much anything! He surpassed all our expectations in undertaking DIY tasks such as painting and decorating through to skilled work upgrading fixtures in the building. His efforts to the improve the Old Schoolhouse have not only enhanced the aesthetics but, importantly, increased safety for the children and adults with complex needs who use the building.

He is always eager to complete jobs as soon as they are given and no matter how obscure the request may be; he thinks outside the box to fulfil our ideas. He excelled himself with his carpentry skills when he fitted out our new van with bespoke shelving and storage for transporting our sensory equipment.

Donald’s biggest project to date has been the installation of a soft play frame which transformed our facilities. He roped in his cousin, Sam and the pair used their creativity and initiative to reconfigure the second-hand equipment to fit our space. As always, he tackled the task with positivity and a “can do” attitude and never gets deterred when things have to be adapted to suit our unique needs due to our work with individuals with sensory and behavioural issues.

Donald has undoubtably saved the charity hundreds of pounds in maintenance costs and trades people and we simply cannot express the extent of our gratitude to him for his unwavering dedication and enthusiasm.

Recently, Donald has experienced health issues, including undergoing major surgery. However, he played this down to us saying it’s “no big deal” and that he wanted to keep volunteering. Donald shows no signs of slowing down during his ongoing medical treatment and despite our protests for him to take it easy, he continues to pop in to see what jobs he can do!

Volunteers frequently tell us that they “get out as much as they put in” but we are totally indebted to all our generous volunteers who make a huge difference to our charity.

If you are interested in volunteering with us, there is more information here or get in touch at, volunteering@sensationall.org.uk

SensationALL means the world to me.

SensationALL’s services and activities for Neurodiverse individuals and those with complex conditions are a lifeline for many. However, our support is not only for attendees themselves, but also for the wider family. In 2022, we created a timetable of informal support groups for parent/carers. The benefit of having this peer support can be huge!

Many parents tell us how alone and lost they feel so being part of this network helps them cope with the emotional burden of caring for someone with complex needs. The sharing of experiences and empathy they get from the group is invaluable and can result in improved resilience and reduced anxiety.

We thought Mental Health Awareness month was the perfect time to share one of our family’s stories…

Kelly’s daughter Georgia-Rose has a diagnosis of Autism and is currently undergoing assessment for ADHD. Kelly suspected from a very young age that Georgia-Rose might be Autistic:

“She really struggled with her meltdowns which, I originally thought were just bad tantrums but the older she got it became apparent they were so much more! Georgia-Rose is a huge masker – she keeps everything bottled in at school and plays a character to fit into society but, when she gets home the mask comes off and she often explodes. From a young age she has experienced sensory difficulties, certain sounds, textures and smells would trigger her and we didn’t know how to deal with it”.

The family’s first experience of SensationALL was coming to our Santa’s Grotto after a disastrous visit to a public grotto when Georgia-Rose left feeling terrified and sad. Her parents were flooded with guilt for taking her somewhere that caused such upset and were devastated she couldn’t enjoy something magical that most children love.

After seeing our details on Facebook, Kelly brought her girls to our relaxed grotto at The Old Schoolhouse in Westhill which, was designed to offer an simpler, unintimidating situation for Neurodiverse children to cope with. This time, her reaction to Santa was completely different to Kelly’s delight; “the look on Georgia-Roses face was something I will cherish forever! She went straight into the grotto and actually spoke to Santa! It was the most special thing for us as her parents to see her enjoy something that had previously terrified her!”

This positive experience led to Georgia-Rose attending numerous soft play sessions and she completing our self-regulation programme, Chill-OOT. As a result, her confidence and self-esteem has grown massively and she now knows ways to calm herself down when she’s overwhelmed and her parents and the wider family have also learnt techniques to help her when she in these situations. Amazingly, Georgia-Rose is able to tell them how things make her feel in different situations which is a huge positive step and has benefited the whole family.

Kelly says, “before I came to SensationALL I had absolutely no idea how to cope with Georgie’s meltdowns. I had been given advice from professionals and had done endless amounts of reading online but for some reason nothing seemed to work with my daughter and her difficulties. I constantly felt judged as a parent, and didn’t want my daughter to be thought of as a badly behaved kid who wouldn’t listen to her parents or just screams and shouts to get her own way. I felt very alone as a parent and didn’t know where to I could find help from people who just ‘got it’.

I started attending the parent support group every week and it has been the best thing I’ve done for myself in this journey – I had no idea how much I needed it! Being around other parents who face the same day to day difficulties as I do is just priceless! 

I believe its helped me become a better parent to not only Georgia-Rose, but her youngest sister Ellie-Jane too.

SensationALL means the world to me. It’s a place I can go and cry and know that somebody will be there for me with a tissue and a hot cup of tea. The support I receive is irreplaceable, SensationALL is somewhere I can go and won’t be judged.”

Not feeling alone on this crazy journey of parenting a child with additional support needs is the BEST thing ever!


Our Family Support Practitioner, Jo, is also a parent of a young Neurodiverse son so she has experienced many of the situations that our families face:

“I know first-hand that being a parent of a child with additional needs can be isolating and lonely. Parents of neurotypical children can try their best to be supportive but, through no fault of their own, they cannot identify with the unique struggles a parent of a child with Additional Support Needs face daily.  

The sharing of experiences allows parents and cares to be heard, and often, for the first time feel accepted and less alone, it is a privilege for me to watch the magic happen in our sessions. 

Usually, our sessions are simply an open forum when, struggling parents can chat, cry and laugh which, releases tension and you see the weight starting to lift as their share their problems. We journey together as a group, grieving the difficult times, proactively looking for practical solutions to ease the struggles. I’m honoured to be part of the SensationALL community for parents.”

WATCH – this video features Kelly as well as some other parents talking about SensationALL…

If you’re a parent, guardian, or carer, more information on support sessions is here or email us to ask for more information.